180 Byou de Kimi no Mimi wo Shiawase ni Dekiru ka?

Can I Make Your Ears Happy in 180 Seconds?
180 Byou de Kimi no Mimi wo Shiawase ni Dekiru ka?
منبع داستان: Original
  • ASMR or Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response is the nerve-tingling or relaxing response and sensation one gets to stimuli such as certain sounds or sights. As the title indicates, the anime will let viewers experience ASMR in 180 seconds. In the story, the heroine challenges her classmates to share in her hobby of recording ASMR works. (Source: ANN)

تعداد قسمت: 12 رده سنی: ندارد لینک MyAnimeList نمره: 5.39
زمان: 5 دقیقه وضعیت: فصل پخش:

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