Kimi to Idol Precure♪

Kimi to Idol Precure♪
منبع داستان: Original
  • Uta Sakura is a lively and energetic middle school student who loves singing.One day, while walking her dog, she encounters a cute, peach-like fairy named Purirun, who is searching for the Legendary Protectors "Idol Precure." Purirun's hometown, KirakiLand, was a peaceful, sparkly place but has been forced into darkness by the villainous Darkine, leader of the Chokkiri Gang. Uta decides to help Purirun search for cheerful and happy people to become the Precure so KirakiLand can become bright again.Suddenly, the Chokkiri gang arrive in Hanamichi Town, Uta's hometown, and steal the sparkles from the townspeople. Uta decides to illuminate the darkness with sparkles from her song and is granted the power to transform into the Legendary Protector, Cure Idol.

تعداد قسمت: Unknown لینک MyAnimeList نمره: 7.2
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