Witch Hunter Robin

Witch Hunter Robin
منبع داستان: Original
  • Witches are individuals with special powers like ESP, telekinesis, mind control, etc. Robin, a 15-year-old craft user, arrives from Italy to Japan to work for an organization named STN Japan Division (STN-J) as a replacement for one of STN-J's witch hunters who was recently killed. Unlike other divisions of STN, STN-J tries to capture the witches alive in order to learn why and how they became witches in the first place. (Source: ANN)

تعداد قسمت: 26 رده سنی: 13+ لینک MyAnimeList نمره: 7.26
زمان: 25 دقیقه وضعیت: پایان یافته فصل پخش:
  1. Nassim babaiou


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