Mahou Shoujo Magical Destroyers

Magical Girl Magical Destroyers
Mahou Shoujo Magical Destroyers
منبع داستان: Original
  • Set in a dystopic near future where otaku culture in Japan has been obliterated by a mysterious organization known as "SSC", Magical Girl Destroyers follows the misadventures of Otaku Hero - a young revolutionary who loves otaku culture - and Anarchy, Blue, and Pink, a trio of magical girls who admire him. Together they struggle to create "a world where you can say what you like about what you like as much as you like".(Source: Crunchyroll)

تعداد قسمت: 12 رده سنی: 13+ لینک MyAnimeList نمره: 6.85
زمان: 23 دقیقه وضعیت: پایان یافته فصل پخش:

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