Runway de WaratteSeries

ژانرها: Drama, School, Shounen, Slice of Life
استودیو: Ezόla
این انیمه را دوست دارم 2 نفر مشاهده لیست من-
Runway de Waratte starts with the story of Fujito Chiyuki, an aspiring fashion model and daughter of a fledgling Modeling Agency, Mille Neige. Ever since she was little, Chiyuki's dream was to be the star model of her dad's agency and perform at Paris Fashion Week. With great looks and a gifted environment, it seemed like she was on the right track to fulfill her dream, but she soon found herself faced with a seemingly insurmountable wall when her height stopped growing at 158 cm; too short to be a professional model. Although Chiyuki still kept on believing in herself for years despite everyone telling her it's impossible, Chiyuki's resolve starts to crumble as she enters her last year of high school. This is when she meets Tsumura Ikuto, a lame classmate with a surprising talent for designing clothes, who is also considering giving up his dream due to unfortunate circumstances. Together, they begin the journey of doing the impossible in order to realize their dreams. (Source: MU)
کیوکی فوجیتو یه رویا داره: اینکه به یه سوپر مدل پاریسی تبدیل بشه. مشکل اینجاست که قدش زیادی کوتاهه و اطرافیانش هم زیاد اینو بهش میگن! اما مهم نیست دیگران چی میگن، اون تسلیم نمیشه. همکلاسیش، دانشآموز بیچارهای به اسم ایکوتو تسومورا، هم یه رویا برای خودش داره: که تبدیل به یه طراح لباس بشه. یه روز چیوکی بهش میگه که "ممکن نیس همچین چیزی اتفاق بیوفته" پس اون از رویاش دست میکشه ...!؟
این داستان درمورد دو فرد به خصوص هستش که با وجود تمام اتفاقات منفی و ناامیدکنندهای که براشون پیش میاد، باز هم از صمیم قلب به دنبال رویاشون میرن!